Industry Directory: graphicode gc-prevue 25.x (1)


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

Data preparation Software packages for the fabrication, manufacture and test of PCBs.

New SMT Equipment: graphicode gc-prevue 25.x (1)

GC-PrevuePlus™ - Edit Gerber and DXF, Export New Data

GC-PrevuePlus™ - Edit Gerber and DXF, Export New Data

New Equipment | Software

In response to many inquiries from GC-Prevue users, GraphiCode created GC-PrevuePlus to fill the need for an inexpensive Gerber translator and editor. Building on proven functionality from GraphiCode's existing family of products, GC-PrevuePlus takes


Electronics Forum: graphicode gc-prevue 25.x (11)

PCB 'gerber' files

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 08:12:13 EDT 2005 | mmjm_1099 for GC PREVUE


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 10:58:27 EDT 2008 | arminski

has anyone used the above software from GraphiCode? kindly give us feedback on how easy it is to extract centroid data from a gerber file? any limitations that we need to be aware of during the conversion? thanks in advance

Industry News: graphicode gc-prevue 25.x (1)

Graphicode’s GC-Prevue v22.3 supports new Gerber X2 format.

Industry News | 2014-07-30 13:54:24.0

Graphicode is pioneering a wave of developments in PCB software that promises to revolutionise the PCB design to manufacture process: the latest version of its GC-Prevue software now fully supports Ucamco's groundbreaking second extension Gerber X2 format.


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