Electronics Forum: gsm mis-alignment (2)

Nozzle changer issues on gsm1

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 11:30:50 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Hi Swag, Thanks for the suggestions. I did perform a changer teach on both changers successfully which resolved minor mis-alignment issues but not this problem. You can see in the photo that there are two open holes (5&6)and it is trying to drop a n


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 06:26:50 EDT 2004 | dennispoquiz

Right. Fiducial comes with the CAD data or the gerber files. If it doesnt, and you need to create fiducial coordinates, you may use a digitizer or a caliper and make use of the reference pin as the origin. Now if the fiducial camera focus is way out,

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. Updated lists and corrections b. ASCII character set alignment This version incorporates a few changes to the smelter list as reflected in the Standard Smelter List as of March 23, 2016. The latest version of the Standard Smelter List is available at: http

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