Industry Directory: gsm1 4681 (1)


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GSM1 SN 4681A 05663-5-45955403 currently running in prod line new CPU card lots of feeders included

Electronics Forum: gsm1 4681 (4)

Board Handling Error: Waiting for output board transfer to complete, on GSM1 4681A UIC

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 17:35:45 EDT 2016 | travishemen

We have similar machines and they will give errors like this if the adjustable sensor on the unload end is over the fixed or movable rail.

Board Handling Error: Waiting for output board transfer to complete, on GSM1 4681A UIC

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 15:43:48 EDT 2016 | ddina

Recently started setting up our GSM 4681A system, and one of the machines comes up with the message "WAITING FOR OUTPUT BOARD TRANSFER TO COMPLETE" after the Zeroing process has been started. Machine has all the defaults set, two SMEMA connected univ

Used SMT Equipment: gsm1 4681 (8)

Universal Instruments 4681 GSM1

Used SMT Equipment | SMD Placement Machines

Used 4681a GSM1 placement machine with PTF platform tray feeder Not operating gsm requires vme psu and video controller card ptf requires power supply  

A.S.E Ltd

Parts & Supplies: gsm1 4681 (3)

Universal Instruments GSM 1 & 2

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Price depending on package from "as is" to fully installed with feeders etc. Location Cramlington UK, can be inspected. Rental in UK available. Other GSM machines available, trolleys, feeders, lots of spare parts, set up jigs,  all in sto


Universal Instruments GSM 1 & 2

Universal Instruments GSM 1 & 2

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Price depending on package from "as is" to fully installed with feeders etc. Location Cramlington UK, can be inspected. Rental in UK available. Other GSM machines available, trolleys, feeders, lots of spare parts, set up jigs, 


Express Newsletter: gsm1 4681 (45)

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