New Equipment | Industrial Automation
Yokogawa DCS CS1000 CS3000 : AAI141 AAV141 AAV142 AAI841 AAB841 AAV542 AAI143 AAI543 AAV144 AAV544 AAT141 AAR181 AAI135 AAI835 AAT145 AAR145 AAP135 AAP149 AAP849 ADV151 ADV551 ADV141 ADV142 ADV157 ADV557 ADV161 ADV561 ADR541 CENTUM:ADV85
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 16:36:00 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
I have a Universal Instruments Corporation TAB Bonder. Oldish machine. Initial fault on machine : - "Axis Head 1 Z DAC Limit error during move absolute command" Other fault seen after we reset power, Zeroed axis etc. - Axis Head 1 - Z error not re
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 18:44:24 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
Hi, I have limited capability on the Z axis. The axis will home to the mechanical switch limit and then drop to a point which I asssume to be the fiorst zero point below the mechanical switch limit. Then it gives the error. There is power to the mo