New SMT Equipment: heller 1,500 (1)

Hanwha DECAN S1 SMT Assembly Line

Hanwha DECAN S1 SMT Assembly Line

New Equipment | Assembly Services

Hanwha DECAN S1 SMT Assembly Line Hanwha DECAN S1 SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 47000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and pl

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Industry News: heller 1,500 (1)

NEPCON China Delivers Stability in Uncertain Times with Another Record Turnout for Shanghai Event

Industry News | 2009-06-02 13:35:12.0

Despite the grip of a global economic downturn, the Chinese electronics manufacturing industry once again came out in force to support its leading exhibition platform, NEPCON. In spite of the difficult times faced by the industry, NEPCON China is still on the up and up, continuing to demonstrate its status as the most important event for the Chinese SMT community.

Reed Exhibitions - RX (Reed Exhibitions)

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Heller755小型垂直固化炉 - 固化&后段半导体制造

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Heller755小型垂直固化炉 - 固化&后段半导体制造 回流焊 双轨/双炉膛 固化及半导体后段制程应用 零空洞回流焊技术 无助焊剂/蚁酸氛围焊接 压力固化炉 (PCO) 您有特殊的应用需求吗? 配置您的回流焊炉 安排一次在线演示 公司 新闻 活动事项 公开论文及技术文章 二手设备 服务与支持 服务与支持 保固件申请 联络方式 » 固化&后段半导体制造 » Heller755小型在线式(固化)垂直型炉 Heller755小型在线式(固化)垂直型炉 使用Heller的垂直型固化炉可提高产能和质量

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Heller Industries Inc.
Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.


4 Vreeland Rd.
Florham Park, NJ USA

Phone: 973-377-6800