An Axial Lead Former That's EASY to Set Up Dial Lead Spacing Use jig and slide parts to set lead spacing. in .001" Turn dual arms - One each side increments. Calibrate Cut Length Can't do. Scale. Place component in jaws and turn knob until jaws
Cuts Components from Tape and Trims Leads - AT UP TO 85,000 PARTS PER HOUR! Reliable Simple to Use Quick, Easy Die Changes Transistors, Capacitors, Vertical Axials Adjustable Speed 0-12,000 Parts/Hour Dial Adjustable Form & Cut Location Easy
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 01 10:46:22 EDT 2012 | davef
Years ago, we almost bought a Manix axial lead former / trimmer, but found a used Hepco at the last hour and went that route. I can't remember, but as I recall, we wanted to be able to do standoffs and there was some issue on standoff tooling with on
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 09:26:55 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | I am examining cut & form PTH component prep equipment to help in our manual PTH insertion process. We need the ability to process both axial & radial with snap-in and stand-off capability. Low volume with the ability to feed bulk, T&R, or Stick.
Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment
The HEPCO model 8000-1 axial lead cut and form system is designed to meet industry's demand for a simple and reliable machine for 90-degree forming and trimming of most axial components.
Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment
We Bought this Machine Brand New and It is In Flawless Condition! Low Use Hepco, Inc. 8000-1 Axial Component Lead Cut & Former Features are as follows: • Loose Component Production Rate: 10
HEPCO 8000-1 Axial Taped and Bulk Component Lead Former Excellent condition. Ready for production. Cuts and forms axial type resistors, capacitors, LED's, etc. Easy to use dial adjustments for lead length and center to center spacing. Process
ASCEN Technology |
|bend axial lead former Automatic De-Taping Machine For axial component Total 1 Page 5 Records ASCEN manufacturer supplies PCB loader,PCB turn conveyor,SMT tray
Lewis & Clark |
– Automated Optical Inspection Systems Axial Inserter Chambers Cleaner Conformal Coating Conveyors – Handling Gear Feeder carts and trolleys Feeders Flying Probe Glue Dispenser ICT Laser Marker-InkJet Marker Lead Former Other Pick