| https://www.smtfactory.com/I-C-T-SS430-Off-line-Selective-Wave-Soldering-Machine-China-Supplier-pd41861093.html
%. The flux nozzle jam detection function is optional. 2. It is configurated with tray under the jet valve to catch the flux residue for easy maintenance. 3
| https://www.eptac.com/category/upcoming-webinars/shown.bs.collapse/page/9/__/ais-highlight__/134.936%25/%3C/em%3E/%3C/em%3E/%3C/em%3E/-27.7%25/gtm.start/page/4/
haven’t written about is how AI can have the impact that it does across multiple markets and industries. The two key subsets of artificial intelligence that you need to understand are machine learning and deep learning