945 how to do gage r & r fuji machines results

Electronics Forum: how to do gage r & r fuji machines (2)

What's the name of the machine that transmitt programs to the MCS, or how can I import through floppy?

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 21 17:38:31 EDT 2013 | rmitchell

A PC or computer? Just kidding. Years ago, when I was young you could use a floppy disc and transfer the ascii files at your PC to the disk and then convert them to binary Fuji format on the MCS-16 and MCS-30. You may have to format and then prepa

How to calculate the ROI

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 19:59:08 EDT 2001 | davef

They always tell you to calculate ROI, when they want to blow you off. Do a net search using - calculate ROI. Links to three pretty good descriptions on this are: http://www.dmreview.com/editorial/dmreview/print_action.cfm?EdID=2487 http://www.eval

Express Newsletter: how to do gage r & r fuji machines (943)

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