Electronics Forum: humiseal 2a64 (2)

Batch conformal coating curing oven??

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 12:25:13 EDT 2009 | vleasher

Could someone point me in the direction of some good manufactures of batch style curing ovens? We have a new project requiring Humiseal 2A64 and we do not have an oven for the 3hrs @ 170F cure. Thanks in advance!

Reference Standard for Plasma Etching or Scrubbing on Flex Ckts

Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 11:17:42 EDT 2004 | Ashok Dhawan

I am having coating adhesion problem with flex circuits. The cover plate material is KAPTON or Poly imide. The conformal coating material used is humiseal 2A64. The boards are cleaned, measuring less than 4 microgram Nacl per sq in. against acceptabl

Express Newsletter: humiseal 2a64 (11)

humiseal 2a64 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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SMT Machines

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Conductive Adhesive & Non-Conductive Adhesive Dispensing

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