Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 09:55:35 EDT 2003 | davef
While you are waiting for others to reply, search the fine SMTnet Archives on: * immersion and tin * imm and tin
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 08:06:07 EDT 2006 | davef
See "IPC-4554 Specification for Immersion Tin Plating for Printed Circuit Boards" 3.2.1 Immersion Tin Thickness. The most common reason for solderability issues with the white tin surface coating during multiple thermal excursions is a thin white ti
Technical Library | 2023-01-06 16:18:23.0
PCB/Substrate Finishing Overview - iNEMI - PCB Surface Finish Overview. Surface Finish deployment ranked by surface area. OSP greatest. Imm Tin. ENIG. Silver. ENEPIG.