Electronics Forum: imperial pasta cooker (10)

Homebrew vapour phase...?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 15:39:15 EDT 2010 | mikesewell

Keep in mind you'll still need to preheat the assembly to properly activate the flux/drive off volatiles in the paste. Perhaps a convection toaster oven... Add some cooling coils and a freeboard/tube to the top of your pasta cooker or turkey fryer t

Vapor phase versus forced convection

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 00:53:16 EDT 2004 | Grant

Hi, I think you cannot go wrong with Convection. If you want to experiment with VP, just get some of the fluid and put it into a pasta cooker on a standard domestic hot plate. Have a basin full of cold water so after reflow you can lift the cooker a

Express Newsletter: imperial pasta cooker (4)

SMTnet Express - December 4, 2014

SMTnet Express, December 4, 2014, Subscribers: 23,570, Members: Companies: 14,131, Users: 37,347 Metal-based Inkjet Inks for Printed Electronics Alexander Kamyshny, Shlomo Magdassi - Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Joachim Steinke - Imperial

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