Electronics Forum: injet (5)

Using Injet Printer on Juki KE-740

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 20 14:18:09 EST 2009 | Doug

Those machines use DOS, so unless you can find DOS drivers for your printer, then I think you are stuck using Dot Matrix, which don't need special drivers in DOS. Plus, I believe those machine use a Japanese version of DOS, so US drivers may not wor

DCT cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 09:42:19 EST 2015 | max83

Hello. I saw your site and did not found info about DCT cleaner machine. I need spare parts for DCT inJet 676 CRD machine. p/n 230370029 (meltblowned PP-20micro) p/n 230370021 (meltblowned PP-10micro) Do you have? Best regards Max

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