Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 04:57:51 EST 2017 | ariss_t
Hi Peter.. Pls make sure u tick the inkspot box inside the sipro.. when u do this pls make sure the cam cross bullseye really near the inkspot center point.. then u need to teach the good inkspot and bad inkspot.. seems like ur inkspot position offse
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 22:51:23 EST 2016 | peteralmendrala
Hello, im using Siplace X2, i have problem im using inkspot. My inkspot is color black. When manually inspected to the machine it can detect correctly, but when i run it in auto, still the machine mount the component in a pcb that has a inkspot. Nee
Industry News | 2013-06-20 15:22:45.0
Software makes the difference - naturally also in SMT production. The SIPLACE team of ASM Assembly Systems is now bundling some of its software innovations for setup changeovers and line operations in a comprehensive package.
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