Industry Directory: insufficient solder escapee (2)

Production Solutions

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Production Solutions, Inc., manufacturer of the RED-E-SET Universal Board Support System for all Printers and Chipshooter, Dispensers and Placement machines.

AOI Vision Pte Ltd

Industry Directory | Distributor / Manufacturer

AOI Vision is the specialized supplier of advanced materials and engineering solutions for SMT PCB screen printing industry. We team up with industry leaders who are equipped with cutting edge technology and innovative products.

New SMT Equipment: insufficient solder escapee (20)

Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI

Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI

New Equipment | Test Equipment

Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI Min component: 01005 PCB size:350x330mm Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm weight:600kg Product description: Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI, Min component: 01005, PCB size:350x330mm, weight:600kg, Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm Koh Young KY808

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI

New Equipment | Test Equipment

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI component Range: 01005 PCB size:350x330mm Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm weight:800kg Product description: Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI, component Range: 01005, PCB size:350x330mm, Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm, weight:

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Electronics Forum: insufficient solder escapee (343)

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 08:58:55 EST 2009 | aliabdul77

Instead of you spend money on AOI,my recomendation will be to install SPI machine ( solder paste inspection machine)since most of your defect are solderability issues.AOI only will ensure no escapee to backend/human escapee but SPI will help to to en

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 09:00:49 EST 2009 | aliabdul77

Instead of you spend money on AOI,my recomendation will be to install SPI machine ( solder paste inspection machine)since most of your defect are solderability issues.AOI only will ensure no escapee to backend/human escapee but SPI will help to to en

Used SMT Equipment: insufficient solder escapee (17)

YesTech YTV-F1

YesTech YTV-F1

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

YesTech YTV-F1 Automated PCB Inspection System >Multi-function all purpose In-Line system • (2) Top-down Cameras; Incl. (1) High Magnification • (4) side viewing cameras • LED top light, bi-color multiangle LED lighting •

Baja Bid

YesTech YTV-F1

YesTech YTV-F1

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

YesTech YTV-F1 Automated PCB Inspection System >Multi-function all purpose In-Line system • (2) Top-down Cameras; Incl. (1) High Magnification • (4) side viewing cameras • LED top light, bi-color multiangle LED lighting •

Baja Bid

Industry News: insufficient solder escapee (77)

SQC in Electronics Manufacturing

Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:16:44.0

The following text describes the application of NWA Quality Analyst to quality control in the assembly of electronic components.


An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:27:03.0

An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Parts & Supplies: insufficient solder escapee (2)

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

Parts & Supplies | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

Quick programming, friendly programming interface Multiple measurement methods True one-button measurement Eight-way motion button, one-click focus Adjustable scanning pitch Solder paste 3D simulation function Powerful SPC function MARK

KingFei SMT Tech

Saki Saki 3D SPI machine

Parts & Supplies | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes

3D Solder Paste Inspection Machine  Features : Easy to use by fully motorize X-Y scan mechanism. Easy to program by Gerber image navigator Easy to repeat the same job by loading the saved program User-friendly color image live view operation Ea

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: insufficient solder escapee (11)

Possible reasons for simultaneous solder skip and short circuit of BGA

Technical Library | 2018-11-07 03:31:04.0

Generally speaking, there are not many cases of insufficient solder and solder short in BGA soldering, but it is not impossible. Here we discuss some elements may cause it

Seamark Zhuomao Photoeletric technology(Shenzhen)CO., ltd

Understanding the Effect of Process Changes and Flux Chemistry on Mid-Chip Solder Balling

Technical Library | 2016-11-30 21:30:50.0

Mid-chip solder balling is a defect typically associated with solder paste exhibiting poor hot slump and/or insufficient wetting during the reflow soldering process, resulting in paste flowing under the component or onto the solder resist. Once molten, this solder is compressed and forced to the side of the component, causing mid-chip solder balling.This paper documents the experimental work performed to further understand the impact on mid-chip solder balling from both the manufacturing process and the flux chemistry.

Henkel Electronic Materials

Videos: insufficient solder escapee (33)

DIP Double-side Camera Online AOI Machine ETA-V5300

DIP Double-side Camera Online AOI Machine ETA-V5300


DIP Double-side Camera Online AOI Machine ETA-V5300​ If you could not find any similar items you want, you may send some photos to us. because our catalog and website haven't included all of our products. solder paste inspection,SMT SPI,SPI mac

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Online AOI Machine

Online AOI Machine


ETA DIP Inverted Camera Online AOI Machine ETA-V5200 ​ If you could not find any similar items you want, you may send some photos to us. because our catalog and website haven't included all of our products. solder paste inspection,SMT SPI,SPI m

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Training Courses: insufficient solder escapee (3)

BGA Inspection, Rework and Repair Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Inspection Courses

The PCB inspection courses focus on improving PCB yield and reliability through validation and detection of defects on electronics assemblies.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course

Training Courses | ONLINE | ON DEMAND | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: insufficient solder escapee (2)

Assembler 2 – IPC 610 – 1st Shift

Career Center | Oldsmar, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

Job Title: Assembler 2 – IPC 610 – 1st Shift Address: 3655 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar FL 34677 Duration: 1 year Pay Rate: $15-$18 Hours: 9/80 schedule Monday – Thursday 6:00AM – 3:30PM, Friday 6:00AM to 2:30PM Job Description: Use microscope to verify

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Senior Assembler

Career Center | Oldsmar, Florida USA | Maintenance,Production

Job Description: • Uses microscope to verify correct part placement and orientation, manually align parts before soldering and perform post re-flow inspection and touch-up. • Able to identify and touch up poor wetted solder joints, solder voids / i


Career Center - Resumes: insufficient solder escapee (3)

Global Product Specialist

Career Center | Singapore, Singapore | Engineering,Production

I am a result/goal-oriented engineer with 20 years of experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) environment, of which 7 years were heavily involved in field service and field application for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines. I partici

my cv

Career Center | Botevgrad, Sofia Bulgaria | Engineering,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Sales/Marketing

AOI - Omron RNS/RNS_ptH, VI3000, Marantz 22X IPC-610D Class 3, Pb/Pb free process, 5S, FMEA, MSA, PPAP, SPC, CPK, 6Sigma, lean manufacturing, Quality management, ISO/TS 16949 ,ISO 9001,ISO 14 001

Express Newsletter: insufficient solder escapee (977)

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 6 - from

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 6 - from Volume 2, Issue No. 6 Wednesday, June 14, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Process Control for Solder Flux Stacy KaliszMark OwenMVTechnology Ltd. ABSTRACT Flux used in ball grid

Partner Websites: insufficient solder escapee (5595)

SolderTip #36: Wave Soldering Insufficient Fill and Voids in PTH - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succ


SolderTip #36: Wave Soldering Insufficient Fill and Voids in PTH - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed Looking for solder training standards, manuals, kits, and more

Solder Dictionary of Terms | Nordson EFD

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

. It occurs because of intermolecular forces between the liquid and surrounding solid surfaces.   Cold Solder Joint A solder connection that was made with insufficient heat

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

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