Recycles metal bearing rinses utilizing a patented ion exchange process the minimizes regenerate waste.
New Equipment | ESD Control Supplies
Humidity Control System for static elimination....dust suppression...overall production management. Each system has its own built in Humidistat and Controller. You simply set the Controller at the desired %Rh you wish to maintain within the room and
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 15:06:07 EST 2002 | davef
Been rootin' through my card file. Other sources I'm aware of, but can not substantially comment on are: * DI water generators: Unit design 714.282.8100 fax8188 * Remco Engineering: modular ion exchange systems * Advanced Separation Technologies: co
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 05 14:47:58 EDT 2004 | Irun
What do you think to use distilled water to rinsing? Irun
Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:20:37.0
Top Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Companies in the World
Industry News | 2010-05-05 21:05:42.0
NASHVILLE — Kyzen, the world leading provider of environmentally responsible precision cleaning products for electronics and high-technology manufacturing operations, announces that Dr. Mike Bixenman will present a paper titled "Improving the R.O.S.E. Process Control and Quality Assurance Method" at the upcoming International Conference on Soldering and Reliability (ICSR), which is co-located with the Lead-Free Academy and SMTA Toronto Expo and Tech Forum.
Technical Library | 2021-04-29 01:47:17.0
For the separation of ionic species, ion chromatography (IC), a type of liquid chromatography, is the method of choice. The most critical component of this technique is the separation column, which is selected based on factors that include the specific analytes of interest, the sample type and the required detection levels. This article outlines the column parameters that impact the separation of charged species in solution using ion-exchange chromatography and the developments that have continued to redefine what is possible with an IC system.
Technical Library | 2023-04-17 17:05:47.0
In an ideal world, manufacturing devices would work all of the time, however, every company receives customer returns for a variety of reasons. If these returned parts contributed to a fail, most companies will perform failure analysis (FA) on the returned parts to determine the root cause of the failure. Failure can occur for a multitude of reasons, for example: wear out, fatigue, design issues, manufacturing flaw or defect. This information is then used to improve the overall quality of the product and prevent reoccurrence. If no defect is found, it is possible that in fact the product has no defect. On the other hand, the defect could be elusive and the FA techniques insufficient to detect said deficiency. No-clean flux residues can cause intermittent or elusive, hard to find defects. In an attempt to understand the effects of no-clean flux residues from the secondary soldering and cleaning processes, a matrix of varying process and cleaning operation was investigated. Of special interest, traveling flux residues and entrapped residues were examined, as well as localized and batch cleaning processes. Various techniques were employed to test the remaining residues in order to assess their propensity to cause a latent failure. These techniques include Surface Insulation Resistance1 (SIR) testing at 40⁰C/90% RH, 5 VDC bias along with C32 testing and Ion Exchange Chromatography (IC). These techniques facilitate the assessment of the capillary effect the tight spacing these component structures have when flux residues are present. It is expected that dendritic shorting and measurable current leakage will occur, indicating a failing SIR test. However, since the residue resides under the discrete components, there will be no visual evidence of dendritic growth or metal migration.
Career Center | Noida, India | Engineering
I have done my from EC branch so I have lots of knowledge about EC branch. I have knowledge in IE3D software because my college project and Training project based on this software.Additionally, I have knowledge in Networking and linux.I have e
Career Center | Noida, India | Engineering
I have done my from EC branch so I have lots of knowledge about EC branch. I have knowledge in IE3D software because my college project and Training project based on this software.Additionally, I have knowledge in Networking and linux.I have e
SMTnet Express, April 29, 2021, Subscribers: 27,195, Companies: 11,344, Users: 26,617 Failure Analysis – Using Ion Chromatography And Ion Chromatography/Mass Spec (IC/MS) Since the 1980s the electronics industry has utilized ion
SMTnet Express August 22, 2013, Subscribers: 26219, Members: Companies: 13462, Users: 35081 Whisker Growth In Tin Alloys On Glass-Epoxy Laminate Studied By Scanning ION Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy by A. Czerwinski, A
. DI uses specially manufactured ion-exchange resins which exchange hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions for dissolved minerals, which are then recombined to form water
GPD Global |
. This relaxes pumping requirements, while increasing device efficacy. Selection of the matrix material plays a large role in determining the emission properties of the phosphor, because it has a profound effect on the active ion coordination chemistry