Electronics Forum: ipc sm-782 (83)

SMD nomenclature

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 09:36:46 EDT 2007 | pjc

FYI: IPC-SM-782 has been superseded by IPC-7351A, IPC-SM-782 land patterns previously found under the "Manufacturer Part Number" database portion of SM-782 Land Pattern Calculator are no longer maintained by IPC.

Wave soldering of SMT components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 13:37:36 EDT 2003 | russ

IPC-SM-782 and IPC-CM-770 have somw pretty good info. Russ

Career Center - Resumes: ipc sm-782 (1)

SMT Production and Process engineer

Career Center | Hyderabad, Telangana India | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

 Experience in handling Process related issues throughout the Product Manufacturability.  Programming and maintenance of SMT Pick and Place Machines of Mirae, Panasonic, NXT and MyData  Programming and maintenance of Solder Paste Printer of DEK

Express Newsletter: ipc sm-782 (899)

SMTnet Express - January 17, 2019

SMTnet Express, January 17, 2019, Subscribers: 31,198, Members: Companies: 10,693, Users: 31,603 IPC APEX EXPO 2019 - TECHNOLOGY'S FUTURE COMES TOGETHER Why Attend IPC APEX EXPO 2019? Because IPC APEX EXPO

SMTnet Express - December 12, 2019

SMTnet Express, December 12, 2019, Subscribers: 33,007, Companies: 10,941, Users: 25,408 IPC APEX EXPO 2020 – Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence in Electronics This year marks the 20th anniversary of IPC APEX EXPO and IPC is thrilled

Partner Websites: ipc sm-782 (221)

Electronic Manufacturing IPC Training Instructors - Blackfox

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC | https://www.blackfox.com/about/instructors/

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Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

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