Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 11 17:51:22 EDT 2009 | GSx
Thank you so much Dave, by having different lots of PCB received (same Supllier) with suspected and good carbon ink deposit, I found useful to adopt a comparison test among the different lots by usingthe IPC-TM-650 2.4.1 Adhesion , Tape Testing (lik
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 22:10:58 EST 2006 | davef
Muse We don't believe that the IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual, 2.4.1E, Adhesion, Tape Testing--5/04 [ http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/2.4.1E.pdf ] that you refer to is a "black pad" test. We think it's a method for testing the a
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PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/cleanliness-test_topic1738_post7101.html
PCBA Cleanliness test process? For Ionic Residues on PCBA, there are three methods of testing in IPC-TM-650: Dynamic Extraction Methods, Static Extraction Methods and manual method
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Prüfung zu beenden, sowie eine Verbindung versagt hat. Test können durchgeführt werden für: ASTM D790 und D6272 IPC-TM-650 SEMI G86-0303 JEDEC 9702 Download