New SMT Equipment: jewelbox (2)

JewelBox Series Real-time X-ray Inspection Systems

JewelBox Series Real-time X-ray Inspection Systems

New Equipment | Inspection

500x magnification ,5 axis manipulator and advanced image processing.

Glenbrook Technologies

JewelBox Ultra Compact Microfocus X-ray Technology

JewelBox Ultra Compact Microfocus X-ray Technology

New Equipment | Inspection

500x magnification ,5 axis manipulator and advanced image processing. The JewelBox Ultra Compact delivers superior image quality with excellent resolution and sensitivity for laboratory and failure analysis applications. The system's high-resolutio

Glenbrook Technologies

Industry News: jewelbox (3)

Glenbrook Technologies Celebrates 33 Years and 2,500 Installations

Industry News | 2016-04-19 12:48:48.0

Glenbrook Technologies celebrates 33 years and 2,500 installations of their innovative, world class, x-ray inspection systems developed and manufactured in the U.S.A.

Glenbrook Technologies

East/West Manufacturing Enterprises Purchases New X-Ray System

Industry News | 2019-05-20 19:03:20.0

East/West Manufacturing Enterprises, one of the industry’s leading full-service EMS companies, announces the addition of the Glenbrook JewelBox 70T X-Ray system to its shop floor.

East/West Manufacturing Enterprises

Videos: jewelbox (2)

Glenbrook Technologies' JewelBox X-ray Inspection Technology.

Glenbrook Technologies' JewelBox X-ray Inspection Technology.


Glenbrook Technologies' JewelBox X-ray Inspection Technology

Glenbrook Technologies

JewelBox Xray Technology

JewelBox Xray Technology


Glenbrook Technologies' JewelBox X-ray Inspection Technology

Glenbrook Technologies

Express Newsletter: jewelbox (32)

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