288 juki ke730 sofware offline results

Electronics Forum: juki ke730 sofware offline (2)

Juki Syntax

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 19:35:36 EST 2002 | Andrew Brook

I am trying to program a Juki KP620 and KE730 offline. I am looking for the file syntax for .P5A and .G2C files. Is there is anyone who can help me with this. Thanks

Juki Syntax

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 16 00:20:37 EST 2002 | Frank

The Juki format is a proprietary binary format. If you are trying to convert centriod data, you can use software bought directly from your local Juki distributer. Or you can purchase Unicam, CircuitCam, or GCPlace from their respected distributors.

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