Electronics Forum: kester, k100ld (1)

Is anyone using K100 bar solder? Why or why not?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 11:16:10 EDT 2006 | timnop

In an attempt to re-establish this thread as a serious request for professional experience and opinions on the Kester K100LD product, let me ask again!..... Have any of you professionals out there tried this product and if so, what was your experienc

Express Newsletter: kester, k100ld (18)

SMTnet Express - July 20, 2017

SMTnet Express, July 20, 2017, Subscribers: 30,612, Companies: 10,637, Users: 23,528 Reactivity Of No-Clean Flux Residues Trapped Under Bottom Terminated Components Bruno Tolla, Ph.D., Jennifer Allen, Kyle Loomis - Kester Corporation , Mike

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