New SMT Equipment: kester 186 wave solder (1)

Liquid Solder Flux

Liquid Solder Flux

New Equipment | Solder Materials

Lead-free wave and selective soldering systems require exposing the flux to slightly higher soldering temperatures. Lead-free alloys traditionally wet metal surfaces more slowly than tin-lead. Kester liquid fluxes for lead-free assembly have new acti


Electronics Forum: kester 186 wave solder (111)

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 09:58:42 EDT 2005 | Fred N

Thx to everyone who replied. we will be running single sided thru hole and double sided smt, 186 rosin flux cause they tell me it can take the heat needed for 18 layer pwbs. some long leads. also they are ordering in pallets to deal with the irregu

wave pallets

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 02:09:23 EST 2009 | nibirta

Hi all, I have a question regarding some wave pallets having metallic traces of Titanium. The solder mask is blistering in some locations on the PCB and I am wondering if this Titaniumn may have an influence by incresing locally the temp. Also we ar

Used SMT Equipment: kester 186 wave solder (6)

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 114612 S Dse 5,0/8,0 H=47 B22

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 114612 S Dse 5,0/8,0 H=47 B22

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 114612 S Dse 5,0/8,0 H=47 B22   Contact details: WhatApp +186 199 8652 0029  

Yinuo Electronics Co., Limited

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 118615 S Dse 8,0/12, H=47 b22

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 118615 S Dse 8,0/12, H=47 b22

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Ersa Selective Wave Soldering 118615 S Dse 8,0/12, H=47 b22 Contact details:WhatApp +186 199 8652

Yinuo Electronics Co., Limited

Industry News: kester 186 wave solder (9)

SMTA Releases Wave Soldering Online Course

Industry News | 2017-06-28 19:56:09.0

The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) announced the recent release of Wave Soldering 101, the fourth in a series of online training courses on the fundamentals of electronics assembly. The course will be useful for equipment operators, technicians, and engineers new to the industry that want to understand more about the soldering process and who have a basic familiarity with the equipment. 

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Top 10 Consumer Electronics Companies in the World

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:35:10.0

Top 10 Consumer Electronics Companies in the World

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Technical Library: kester 186 wave solder (4)

SnCu Based Alloy Design for Lower Copper Dissolution and Better Process Control

Technical Library | 2009-02-13 12:29:39.0

To meet the market demand for a best-in-class, low-cost leadfree alloy for wave, selective and dip soldering


The Effect Of Metallic Impurities On The Wetting Properties Of Solder

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 10:38:11.0

This paper is a report of a study made to determine the maximum allowable impurities in solder used for wave soldering applications. This report concludes with a list of impurities compiled from actual analyses of solder which caused production problems. A list of recommended maximum allowable impurities will assist in establishing reliable quality controls on the purity level of the solder in a wave soldering machine.


Training Courses: kester 186 wave solder (1)

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course

Training Courses | ONLINE | ON DEMAND | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Express Newsletter: kester 186 wave solder (981)

SMTnet Express - December 29, 2016

SMTnet Express, December 29, 2016, Subscribers: 30,326, Companies: 15,062, Users: 41,660 Partially-Activated Flux Residue Impacts on Electronic Assembly Reliabilities Yanrong Shi, Ph.D., Kyle Loomis, Jennifer Allen, Bruno Tolla, Ph.D.; Kester

Partner Websites: kester 186 wave solder (18)

SN100C Lead-Free Bar Solder


. Contact with questions. Category: Bar Solder Tags: Alpha Solder , Kester , Nathan Trotter , Indium Brand

SolderTip #38: Clean vs No-Clean Fluxes - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


:  We are using a Kester 186 RMA Flux for our assembly process. Can you tell me if you have to clean an RMA flux and what the issues are if we do not? Possible Solution:  You

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