New SMT Equipment: kester 2331 pre-heat selective (1)

Liquid Solder Flux

Liquid Solder Flux

New Equipment | Solder Materials

Lead-free wave and selective soldering systems require exposing the flux to slightly higher soldering temperatures. Lead-free alloys traditionally wet metal surfaces more slowly than tin-lead. Kester liquid fluxes for lead-free assembly have new acti


Electronics Forum: kester 2331 pre-heat selective (2)

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

Kester 2331-zx flux streaking solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 10:29:10 EDT 2010 | 18424

Hello all, Has anyone used Kester 2331-ZX water soluble flux on selective soldering and expirienced a white film after soldering. I have seen this on and off for a few weeks now and believe it is a chemical reaction with the solder mask or improperly

Express Newsletter: kester 2331 pre-heat selective (559)

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