Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 18:21:55 EDT 2005 | dggjr
We have Kester 256 no-clean spec'd as an alternate paste. I bring some 256 in occasionally to make sure it still works as a backup. The last batch I brought in was bridging like crazy. Scraped it off the stencil, put our regular Alpha back down an
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 11:33:20 EDT 2004 | tigerlordgm
As one of our small batch processes, we place BGAs on PCB without using solder paste. We apply tacky flux to a predetermined height on a pallet, "dip" the BGA into the tacky flux to wet the solder balls to the set height, and then use a BGA rework st
Industry News | 2017-06-28 19:56:09.0
The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) announced the recent release of Wave Soldering 101, the fourth in a series of online training courses on the fundamentals of electronics assembly. The course will be useful for equipment operators, technicians, and engineers new to the industry that want to understand more about the soldering process and who have a basic familiarity with the equipment.
Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)
Training Courses | ONLINE | ON DEMAND | PCB Assembly Courses
The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.
SMTnet Express, December 29, 2016, Subscribers: 30,326, Companies: 15,062, Users: 41,660 Partially-Activated Flux Residue Impacts on Electronic Assembly Reliabilities Yanrong Shi, Ph.D., Kyle Loomis, Jennifer Allen, Bruno Tolla, Ph.D.; Kester
SMTnet Express, May 18, 2017, Subscribers: 30,472, Companies: 10,597, Users: 23,256 How to Use the Right Flux for the Selective Soldering Application Bruno Tolla Ph.D, Denis Jean, Xiang Wei Ph.D; Kester The selective soldering application requires