ORION Industries | http://orionindustries.com/pdfs/mylarel1-5.pdf
(75) 20/24 (28/34) 110/90 2.0/1.1 15 3.5 23 (92) 20/24 (28/34) 110/90 1.9/1.1 16 4.0 36 (142) 20/24 (28/34) 125/100 1.5/1.0 18 5.5 50 (200) 20/23 (28/33) 135/110 1.3/0.8** 24 7.7 75 (300) 19/22 (27/31) 135/110 1.2/0.8** 29 10.0 100 (400) 18/21 (26/30) 140/115 1.1/0.7** 37 11.7 125 (500) 19/21 (27/30) 140/115 1.1/0.7** 43 13.5 *MD = Machine Direction, TD
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/lead-former/CF8-Infeed-Guide-Blades-Adjustment.pdf
. Access the infeed guide blades: a. Remove the tape feeder from the machine. b. If a shim spacer is present between the top and bottom halves of the right and left sides of the infeed chutes, remove the shim spacer. c. Using a 3/16