New SMT Equipment: landrex optima 7300 (2)

Optima II 7355 SMT AOI

Optima II 7355 SMT AOI

New Equipment | Inspection

Plastlist-Landrex present, the best choice of inspection in SMT process. With proprietary Penta-vision and intrepid 3D color camera system. Plus, powerful technique service team, provides you better inspect speed and defect inspect ability. Features

Plastlist Group

Optima II 7380 SMT AOI

Optima II 7380 SMT AOI

New Equipment | Inspection

Plastlist-Landrex present, the best choice of inspection after reflow in SMT process. With proprietary Penta-vision and intrepid 3D color camera system. Plus, powerful technique service team, provides you better inspect speed and defect inspect abili

Plastlist Group

Electronics Forum: landrex optima 7300 (14)

Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 00:28:03 EDT 2004 | rsgupta

Hello Mr Pete Thanks. Is there any comparative analysis available with someone for AOI system available (i.e. Landrex Optima 7300, TRI TR7100, Agilent SJ 50 Series II, Omron WIN II and Shindenshi ESV 303 DA). Some of these are Sngle camera AOIs and

Landrex AOI Problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 22:14:49 EDT 2010 | jdm2008

Anyone out there have this system(optima 7300). We have it and we are having tons of problems. Access violations, "ghost windows" models that when deleted will still call out defects, constant crashing etc. We are wondering if the problem will be

Used SMT Equipment: landrex optima 7300 (7)

Express Newsletter: landrex optima 7300 (9)

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