Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 20:24:07 EST 2002 | scott
My first reaction would be to run! FAST! Flex -- well, it... flexes... and isn't flat. While you assemble it, While you transport it, While it goes through the oven... SMT Connectors typically need to be held down during reflow. Fiducial types are
Industry News | 2001-06-05 06:05:27.0
The X-ray inspection of multilayer PCBs increasingly requires an objective evaluation of e.g. inner layer misregistrations and annular ring widths at through-hole platings. After the recent release of the new software ml|module by phoenix|x-ray the necessary measurements of test patterns and vias can be performed easily and exactly. As all the application orientated software modules by phoenix|x-ray the ml|module can be integrated into auto-positioning (CNC) inspection programmes.