Used SMT Equipment: lecroy wavejet 314a (6)

LeCroy WaveJet 314A

LeCroy WaveJet 314A

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Test & Measurement

100 MHz - 500 MHz Bandwidth     up to 2 GS/s     7.5" LCD Display     Small 4" footprint Unique Capabilities in a Low Bandwidth Oscilloscope The WaveJet 300 Series features unmatched performance and debugging tools not usually found in low ban

Test Equipment Connection

Agilent WaveJet 314A

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Teledyne LeCroy WaveJet 314A 100 MHz Bandwidth, 4 Input Channels, 1 GS/s Max Sample Rate DSO Oscilloscope     100 MHz - 500 MHz Bandwidth     up to 2 GS/s     7.5" LCD Display     Small 4" footprint Unique Capabilities in a Low Bandwidth

Test Equipment Connection

Express Newsletter: lecroy wavejet 314a (2)

SMT Express, Issue No. 2 - from

SMT Express, Issue No. 2 - from Volume 1, Issue No. 2 Wednesday, July 14, 1999 Featured Article Return to Front Page THE PAPERLESS FACTORY * Michael R. Forrester LeCroy Corporation INTRODUCTION Information is power! Armed

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