Electronics Forum: loctite 3515 (7)

Individual Loctite Epoxy Syringes

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 11:18:29 EST 2010 | vleasher

That company doesn't appear to sell Loctite and the adhesive they do sell doesn't compare to the Loctite 3508,3515... I wonder if I buy a case if anyone would buy the extras if I put them on ebay!!! lol

Recommendation for Lead Free Epoxy used for Bonding & Underfill?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 22:45:59 EST 2006 | pyramus

Hi everybody! Just want to ask some recommendation if which epoxy is advisable to be used for bonding and underfill for BGA's at Lead Free Process. Currently, we only used Loctite 3515 for high temp curing for leaded process. How about for Lead fre

Express Newsletter: loctite 3515 (16)

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