Industry News: lts-200 (1)

Murrietta Circuits Offers Re-Tinning Services

Industry News | 2012-10-29 15:37:50.0

Murrietta Circuits now offers an entire menu of Re-Tinning capabilities

Murrietta Circuits

Partner Websites: lts-200 (8)


ORION Industries |

˚F MECHANICAL WITHOUT IMPACT 95˚C/203˚F 105˚C/221˚F 115˚C/239˚F 115˚C/239˚F 115˚C/239˚F ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN-VO LTS ASTM D-149 18,000 22,000 24,820 32,400 37,800 DIELECTRIC STRENGTH-VOLTS/MIL ASTM D-149 1800 2200 1460 1080 945 VOLUME RESISTIVITY-OHM-CM ASTM D-257 146 x 1015 3.97 x 1015 3.97 x 1015 3.97 x 1015

ORION Industries

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strain gauge and allow the weight to stabilize. A m axim um load of 150 gram s to 200 grams is recomm ended. 7. Enter the strain gauge reading in the Strain Gauge field of the With Load row. Then click on the CALIBRATE button in the same row. Results

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