Electronics Forum: mcgraw (13)

OT: HNC Mechantronics

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 08:44:22 EDT 2001 | davef

�Control System Design And Simulation� Jack Golten, Andy Verwer; McGraw Hill College Div; 1991; Paperback; 388 pages; ISBN: 0077074122 [Amazon.com lists two of �em for $20 used.]

Re: BGA vs. QFP Packaging.

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 09 13:57:08 EST 1999 | Dave F

Gary: Three things to look at in preparing do your lab work: 1 Delco uses boat-loads of array devices, use your contacts there for information. 2 SMTA Journal publishes much relaibility study information. 3 "Solder Joint Reliability of Bga, Csp, Fl

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