Electronics Forum: mirtec corperation job openings (2)

AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 09:33:43 EST 2015 | emeto

Hello, I have two of these for the last 3 years(MV-7xi). Buy the machine with the best camera they offer and with the telecentric lens - it gives great view and resolution. I had to replace the controller for conveyer open/close on both of them. I a

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 12:33:58 EST 2015 | ianatvadatech

Hey Syed, I've been running the MV-9 for just over a year. We shopped around very extensively (two APEX shows) before switching from yestech to mirtec and we bought two of the best systems they had to cover the four lines we run. Two systems are fa

Career Center - Resumes: mirtec corperation job openings (1)

SMT Technical support

Career Center | Bronx, New York USA | Production,Technical Support

90% of my working experiences, are related with SMT environment: I been dealing with a lot different situation for the last 16 + years. I'm a handyman person as well. know to handle power and precision, etc. For the last year and a half I been in cha

Express Newsletter: mirtec corperation job openings (930)

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