1000 moisture entrapment cooling post reflow results

Electronics Forum: moisture entrapment cooling post reflow (10)

Re: Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 10:29:25 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not? | | | I do not think there is a "typical" post reflow cooling rate

Re: Reflow cooling rates

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 15:49:52 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| | Can anyone tell me what the recommended "typical" cooling rates are after reflow? Are the cooling rates considered as critical to control as the heating rates and why/why not? | | I do not think there is a "typical" post reflow cooling rate out

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