Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer / Marketing Agency / Other
SMTBOX supplies SMT feeders, SMT nozzles, SMT tools and SMT consumables to electronics manufacturing services companies globally and also has created win-win partnerships with SMT vendors and distributors to the worldwide.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We are a major used SMT machine agent in Shenzhen, China.
We supply all kinds of Panasonic Feeders, also feeder parts. The feeder part No. as follows: CM402/602 8mm 0201 special N610031080AA CM402/602 8mm tape sensor KXFW1KS5A00 CM402/602 8mm no sensor KXFW1KSBA00 CM402/602 12/16mm with sensor KXFW1KS6A00 C
PANASINIC CM402 SHAFT N510015533AA/KXF0DUPAA02/N510005433AA 1,MOTOR: N510042737AA/N5100030833AA/B,KXF0CWQA00/N510030834AB,KXF0DHSAA00,KXF0E1LXA00,N510008188AA,KXF0DGFAA00/N510042739AA,KXF0DGEAA00/N510042740AA,N510048142AA,N510043555AA,N510043589AA,N
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 11:34:57 EST 2001 | stefwitt
Check out the multi-stick feeder from Delaware Technologies.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 11:16:50 EST 2001 | gsmguru
Try Component Express. They have quite a few tube feeders available. I've used their Multi-Tube feeders for the GSM with success.
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Panasonic BM/MSF/MPAV2 Series Feeders Pre-owned, OEM and Hover-Davis feeders for Panasonic's BM, MSF and MPAV2 series of placement machines are available now from Tekmart in the following sizes: Model Specifications: 8x2mm 8x4mm 12mm 16mm
Used SMT Equipment | SMD Placement Machines
Hoverdavis Feeders (Motor type - Multi pitch) for MPAG3, MPAV2B, MPAV2A, MPAV2, MSF series, BM series, * Original Pana Feeder on MPAG3 and MPAV2 series - only Mechancial 12mm to 56mm - 60 pcs
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Panasonic BM Stick Feeder Specification 3 Input Channels Stick Width 100mm Voltage: 24V Model Compatible: MPAG3 / MPAV2 / MPAV2VB / BM123
Career Center | Parañaque, Philippines | Maintenance
JOB DESCRIPTION Preventive Maintenance Execution of Preventive Maintenance activities, using the following frame work: Machine Cleaning, Inspection, Lubrication, Repair, Replace and Calibration. PM Documentation PM Master schedule PM Checklist Wo