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SMTBOX supplies SMT feeders, SMT nozzles, SMT tools and SMT consumables to electronics manufacturing services companies globally and also has created win-win partnerships with SMT vendors and distributors to the worldwide.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We are a major used SMT machine agent in Shenzhen, China.
We supply all kinds of Panasonic Feeders, also feeder parts. The feeder part No. as follows: CM402/602 8mm 0201 special N610031080AA CM402/602 8mm tape sensor KXFW1KS5A00 CM402/602 8mm no sensor KXFW1KSBA00 CM402/602 12/16mm with sensor KXFW1KS6A00 C
PANASINIC CM402 SHAFT N510015533AA/KXF0DUPAA02/N510005433AA 1,MOTOR: N510042737AA/N5100030833AA/B,KXF0CWQA00/N510030834AB,KXF0DHSAA00,KXF0E1LXA00,N510008188AA,KXF0DGFAA00/N510042739AA,KXF0DGEAA00/N510042740AA,N510048142AA,N510043555AA,N510043589AA,N
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 10:44:37 EST 2007 | slthomas
Since no one has responded I'll give you what little I know. My last place of employment used MSH-IIs and an MPAV-2B. As far as I know there is no optimisation capability at the machine like there is with your Topaz. The programmer used Panasonic
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Looking for Pana MPAG3 / MPAV2B 12/16mm feeder
Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
Set of MSR XL + MPAV2B machines available for sale in the USA. 2000 Vintage. Condition is complete and functional. Each machine includes feeders. If interested, please let me know.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
PANASONIC 16Wx8P FEEDER Feature : Name: Ratchet Type Component Feeder. Part Number: No.10488BF067. Specifications: 16Wx8P. Emboss. For MPAV2B MCF MSF MPAG3 Chip Placement Machine. Brand : PANASONIC Unit : PC(s)
CM402 8x2mm Feeder 10485BL151 Panasonic SMT Feeders Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters