515 mpm accuflex table initialize results

Electronics Forum: mpm accuflex table initialize (29)

Accuflex MPM X,Y table issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 09:49:34 EST 2010 | remullis

Hello to all, I am having problems with the X,Y table initializing. I noticed the Skew motors 17M1 and 17m2 are moving but the table keeps wanting to drive in the left direction standing in front of machine. It will keep trying to drive until it tim

Accuflex MPM X,Y table issue

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 10:53:41 EST 2010 | remullis

I started swapping motor cables and sensor cable doing a process of elimination and never found a problem, I put everything back to original and it homed. I not sure if it was a connection issue or it was a sequence of homing the machine needs to do

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