Electronics Forum: mpm up2000 8 hardware error (6)

MPM UP2000HiE Hardware Limit Warning - E00938

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 21 10:28:16 EST 2023 | compit

The so-called "drivers" are used to control each servo - control boards at the back of the machine. There are several (8?). If one is "worn out" and has no strength to move the servo, maybe this is where the error comes from? They can be interchanged

MPM UP2000 Hardware Limit

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 13:45:18 EST 2013 | cowens

We have a MPM UP2000. We are getting a hardware limit error when we turn the machine on and try to reset. The F14 fuse blows every time we replace it. The downstop is the first axis that it tries to go through but we get this error. Any help would be

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