Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 18:11:45 EST 2023 | atpico
My UP2000 HiE Printer on Power-ON during initial Reset will show this error and reset will abort with no way to continue. E00938 10 - HARDWARE LIMIT WARNING In Input/Output Screen all Sensors are in normal situation and will react normally when t
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 21 11:39:11 EST 2023 | atpico
Thank you Michal, The MPM error messages are ambiguous to say the least and one axis not zeroing was a possible cause. But I put here what I learned again and again with this machine: when something doesn't work start by checking the fuses, all of
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
MPM UP2030 Hie screen printer for sale. Well maintained including repainting covers. It comes with a manual. Serial number is 22281. For details, please contact us.
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Used Speedline Technologies MPM UP2030 Solder Paste Screen printer. Contact us for details.