Eurotech SpA. has just released a highly integrated and powerful PC/104Plus CPU module, based on the NS Geode GX1 processor: the CPU-1432. The CPU-1432 is an Embedded Pentium-class Computer in an extremely compact PC/104-Plus form factor that can be
Eurotech SpA. has just released a highly integrated and powerful PC/104Plus CPU module, based on the NS Geode GX1 processor: the CPU-1432. The CPU-1432 is an Embedded Pentium-class Computer in an extremely compact PC/104-Plus form factor that can be
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 22 22:16:32 EDT 2020 | kumarb
The flat ribbon cable for the floppy drive is keyed and respectively, the RED STRIPE denotes pin # 1 on the Floppy Drive Connector. Do check that that is correct. As a simple test, remove the floppy drive and power up without the drive connected. D
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 15:04:06 EDT 2009 | rgduval
Put the files on a floppy. At the machine, use the import file tool to bring the file in; tell it that you're importing from floppy. The machine will find the appropriate files on the floppy, and import them to the correct directories. cheers
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
We have 2 Zevatech Juki PM570 pick and place machines with laser centering in perfect condition. It was upgraded: added soft start and USB (instead floppy). Both machines are selling with many feeders, 8,12, and universal (8/16/24) feeders, 32
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
We have 2 Zevatech Juki PM570 pick and place machines with laser centering in perfect condition. It was upgraded: added soft start and USB (instead floppy). Both machines are selling with many feeders, 8,12, and universal (8/16
Industry News | 2013-02-25 11:24:45.0
Upgrade a CS400E to a 12.1" LCD Touchscreeen. Or upgrade that old 486 PC currently running the 400E.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
FILTER YAMAHA YSM40R filter cotton KMB-M3857-00 We also supply the below products: KG2-M7191-20X YAMAHA nozzle NOZZLE YV112 nozzle KGT-M7720-A0X KGT-M7720-A1X YG200 placement machine nozzle 202A diamond steel suction nozzle KV8-M71U7-00X KV8-M7
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Hitachi G5 Yamaha F8S Head Nozzle Filter KYA-M7702-100 KYB-M704D-00 We also supply the below products: KG2-M7191-20X YAMAHA nozzle NOZZLE YV112 nozzle KGT-M7720-A0X KGT-M7720-A1X YG200 placement machine nozzle 202A diamond steel suction nozzle
SMTnet Express, May 5, 2022, Subscribers: 25,613, Companies: 11,567, Users: 27,202 Electronics Manufacturing Technical Articles Rapid Deployment of Automated Test-System for High-Volume Automotive USB-C Hub Adoption and integration
GPD Global |
- Install Software from USB Device To install the QNX operating system and the FLOware control software onto the dispenser from the USB device: 1. With the machine powered off, insert the usbextract.raw floppy. 2. Power on the machine. 3. After the machine
Lewis & Clark |
. Please email our sales team at for additional machine options, available now! Out Of Stock Seica Compact TK In-Circuit Tester – 2015 Make: SEICA Model: Compact TK Vintage: 2015 Description: In-Circuit Tester Details: Compact-TK 1