830 mydata my12 software startup troubleshooting results

Electronics Forum: mydata my12 software startup troubleshooting (2)

Mydata Lift motor 2 amplifier error

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 10:21:30 EDT 2015 | azdback

troubleshooting a table lift error on MY12. Error code: F-MOT_Releaseboard conveyor lift/1304. Basically, the table got stuck on the up position. Also bench tested both lift motors and they are ok.Rotated the lift motors manually to test the encoder

MY12 F-MOT-MSETDYN x/12: Position Counter Dead

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 09:40:14 EDT 2014 | rgduval

I'm surprised MyData is pushing the service call. They're usually pretty good at walking you through some troubleshooting steps before going straight to the service call. So, the failure sounds like an encoder failure; the encoders are attached to

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