Electronics Forum: mydata tp9 error message (74)

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 09:52:45 EST 2014 | brendansales

Dear Rob, Got to the maintenance menu, under the Motor section, I selected Z motor and tried to initiate motor, there was no movement on the machine and I had the error message as below: F-MOT-MSETDYN Z/12: Position counter dead I suspect that ser

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 00:43:06 EST 2014 | brendansales

Centering motor about to fail or has failed. > Centering motor about to fail or has failed. Hey Rdubya, Thanks for your help! Apparently that was not the problem. The Midas head had to be all the way down below the lower locking solenoid. After

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