New Equipment | Solder Materials
Ceasolder-PAL (Pink Acrylic Latex) Peelable Acrylic Latex Solder Mask Ceasolder-Pal is a temporary, peelable solder mask comprised of a thixotropic, synthetic acrylic latex designed to withstand fluxing, wave soldering and cleaning operations. Unli
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 22 15:03:12 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
The only thing ammonia can do is tarnish copper and make it more difficult to solder. And the higher temp in lead-free will discolor the latex (giving it a sticky surface), but the functionality of the mask will be intact. There should be greater co
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 20:33:09 EST 2000 | Dave F
Shane: We don�t dispense, but we have thought about it. Several points about peelable solder masks in a no-clean (low residue) process: � Beware of latex peelable solder mask with a low res process without extensive testing. The problem is usuall