Electronics Forum: netbios (2)

OS/2 Warp GSM not playing nice with the network

Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 17:07:16 EDT 2009 | dilogic

OK - first, look at this page: http://www.jacco2.dds.nl/samba/lanman.html There's a pretty detailed description how to install LanMan client on the OS/2 machine. Some links are broken, but you can find alternate sources on the net. A good site wi

OS/2 Warp GSM not playing nice with the network

Electronics Forum | Mon May 18 16:09:37 EDT 2009 | dilogic

I have sucessfully networked our GSM1 into WinXp network using NetBIOS. I was able to access shared folder on the XP server from GSM and we are using that connection for backups and new product imports. Our machine runs on OS/2 V2.11, but I think tha

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