Industry Directory | Manufacturer
The exclusive supplier of SIPAD Solid Solder Deposit in North America and the only SIPAD Solid Solder Deposit (SSD) coating service bureau in the world.
Aerosol 1 gallon Pail 5 gallon Pail 55 gallon Drum Huge Cleaning Power on Fluxes and Pastes Double-Duty as Powerful Degreaser Low Aroma, No Residues Nonflammable Instant Drying
Your very best choice for lead-free fluxes and pastes, this cleaner is the least-expensive nonflammable, ozone-safe cleaner on the market today. Not only does it remove lead-free residues, it actually prevents the formation of white residues. It's no
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:10:39 EDT 2005 | davef
Comments are: * Sounds like it's necessary to clean "heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste" in your application. Consider a paste that may be better suited to your application. * If you're cleaning "low residue flux", consider using an organic ac
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 17:19:24 EDT 2005 | Steve Stach
The propensity for flux residues to cause shorts can be increased in humid environments where water molecules hydrate the surfaces. At high frequencies, electrons travel on the surface of conductors/insulators, increasing the likelihood of shorts in
Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners
Aqueous Technologies Trident III Cleaning System SKU 16561 : For pricing or questions please call or email us • Refurb 2024 • Environmentally Responsible Fully Automated Cleaning System • Optional Zero Discharge * &
Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners
Automatic Wash + Rinse + Cleanliness Test + Dry + SPC Lead Free Ready The SMT Series Cleaning Systems include the industry's most powerful batch-format drying system. The SMT series cleaners utilize a combination of convection and radiant heat t
Industry News | 2003-06-05 08:11:23.0
Kerry co-solvent system pays for itself in 13 months
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:32:52.0
How to Prevent Solder Ball and Bridging Defects during the SMT Reflow Process
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
SMT basic process components include: silk screen (or dispensing), placement (curing), reflow soldering, cleaning, testing, repair 1, silk screen: its role is to paste or patch solder paste printed on the PCB pad, the components f
Technical Library | 2017-08-17 12:28:30.0
At SMT assembly, flux outgassing/drying is difficult for devices with poor venting channel, and resulted in insufficiently dried/burnt-off flux residue for no-clean process. Examples including: Large low stand-off components such as QFN, LGA Components covered under electromagnetic shield which has either no or few venting holes Components assembled within cavity of board Any other devices with small open space around solder joints
Technical Library | 2020-11-24 23:01:04.0
The miniaturization trend is driving industry to adopting low standoff components or components in cavity. The cost reduction pressure is pushing telecommunication industry to combine assembly of components and electromagnetic shield in one single reflow process. As a result, the flux outgassing/drying is getting very difficult for devices due to poor venting channel. This resulted in insufficiently dried/burnt-off flux residue. For a properly formulated flux, the remaining flux activity posed no issue in a dried flux residue for no-clean process. However, when venting channel is blocked, not only solvents remain, but also activators could not be burnt off. The presence of solvents allows mobility of active ingredients and the associated corrosion, thus poses a major threat to the reliability. In this work, a new halogen-free no-clean SnAgCu solder paste, 33-76-1, has been developed. This solder paste exhibited SIR value above the IPC spec 100 MΩ without any dendrite formation, even with a wet flux residue on the comb pattern. The wet flux residue was caused by covering the comb pattern with 10 mm × 10 mm glass slide during reflow and SIR testing in order to mimic the poorly vented low standoff components. The paste 33-76-1 also showed very good SMT assembly performance, including voiding of QFN and HIP resistance. The wetting ability of paste 33-76-1 was very good under nitrogen. For air reflow, 33-76-1 still matched paste C which is widely accepted by industry for air reflow process. The above good performance on both non-corrosivity with wet flux residue and robust SMT process can only be accomplished through a breakthrough in flux technology.
SMTnet Express, November 21, 2018, Subscribers: 31,479, Companies: 11,087, Users: 25,424 Understanding the Effect of Different Heating Cycles on Post-Soldering Flux Residues and the Impact on Electrical Performance Brook Sandy-Smith, Indium
Article Return to Front Page No-Residue Technolo
: Clean vs No-Clean Fluxes Question: We are using a Kester 186 RMA Flux for our assembly process. Can you tell me if you have to clean an RMA flux and what the issues are if we do not? Possible Solution: You
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
specific locations without overspray - Ideal for micro flux deposition of flux to small solder sites with unparalleled accuracy and minimal flux consumption - Provides true no-clean processing since flux is