Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 22:47:42 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387687
Check the Theta belt. Is it clean, not worn, no kinks? Are the tools rotating freely?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 19:37:17 EDT 2022 | jzeivel
I have an MY200DX mycronic pick and place machine. I recently started getting this error "F-MOT-MOVENICE HYDRA Theta2/1295: Encoder Signal is noisy". Has anyone else ever had this error? The machine will still run, but this error will pop up rando
Industry News | 2020-05-15 15:46:16.0
With powerful functions and wide frequency range, the SSG5000X vector signal generators offer excellent performance in phase noise, spectral purity, bandwidth, EVM, and output power, and suit a wide range of application fields