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Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 17:00:42 EST 2013 | richardc

I am trying to use Mydata TM8C feeders that work fine on a TP93 running 1.6.18 TPsys but are not recognized by a TP94 machine running 1.4.7 TPsys. I get a green flashing light instead of a solid green. I can initialize the hardware but can not proc

Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:32:50 EST 2013 | padawanlinuxero

Hello ! I don't know if this helps but here goes, I have here 2 mydatas one a TP9-4 and the other MY12, on the TP9-4 we have TPSys 2.4 and we use a AM8 feeder magazine, when we bought the MY12 it came with TPSys 2.1, thinking we can use the AM8 feede

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