Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 16:04:49 EDT 1999 | M Cox
I have always thought it to be a good practice to wash SMA's with water soluble paste (WS609) soon after reflow. Is there a time limit as to how long a board should sit after reflow before washing said board? For instance; processing a double-sided
Electronics Forum | Mon May 31 21:50:59 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | I have always thought it to be a good practice to wash SMA's with water soluble paste (WS609) soon after reflow. Is there a time limit as to how long a board should sit after reflow before washing said board? For instance; processing a double-
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/pump/Phosphors-LED.pdf
. Heating occurs in phosphor firing furnaces, which can hold anywhere from 100 grams to several kilograms of material. Once the phosphors have been heated under an atmosphere of nitrogen or similar inert gases and the reaction is complete, material is removed, reground and may be washed in either water or organic