Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 10:02:55 EST 2000 | g cronin
has anyone had any good experiences with purchasing replacement nozzes for pick and place, chipshooters, from a supplier other than the original manufacturer? I know of a couple that currently sell aftermarket replacement nozzles at a very reasonabl
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
YAMAHA KHY-M7760-A0X /NOZZLE YS12 305A316A SMT NOZZLE Accurate and durable Vacuum nozzle Abnormal type is available Kindly contact me if you are interested. Email: alice@ksunsmt.com Skype: alice@ksunsmt.com Whats app: +86 1317047180
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
SMT FUJI Cp6 Cp7 Cp8 Washer, Lock W1019t Wph0780 FUJI SMT Machine Parts sales@smtpartssupply.com FUJI 13189 LAMP HALOGEN (R1022A) (R1022A) FUJI 100003 Absorber shock KSHA6X15-47W TO A1037W FUJI 100119 ASTRO BELT TIMING 10T5/1500 20.114.01 FU