A preparation for removing oxides and sulfides from electric contacts and for providing protection against corrosion, ensures non-obstructed electricity flow especially in the case of oxidized or worn contacts, can be used in audio products -high and
New Equipment | Board Handling - Conveyors
PROMATION’s EIC-720 wave unloading station accepts PCBs from a wave, than angles the PCB downward toward the next process. The EIC-720 uses a steel roller chain that provides a low friction environment and allows for multiple stops for progressive
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 11:24:55 EST 2001 | jmathis
Only the melf's. These PCB's are in pallets, so there should not be a obstruction issue. Thanks for the responce.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 13:00:16 EDT 2006 | fabio
"Z tower obstruction - machine must reset". I�m having this problem in the machine... please help!!
Used SMT Equipment | Conveyors
Simplimatic Verticle Shuttle / Reject Conveyor with three SMEMA controls to receive boards in a standard height, transfer out to a higher standard or higher height.used with SPI / AOI for rejected boards L to R board Flow. Comparable to: Model
Industry News | 2015-06-08 16:52:20.0
Ascentech, LLC, the North American distributor for GEN3 Systems products, Optilia Instruments AB, and other quality lines of test and productivity solutions, will exhibit at the upcoming regional SMTA shows in Philadelphia and in the upper Midwest (Minnesota).
Industry News | 2006-10-13 17:39:37.0
New! Now Available. Effective entry point for soldering through-hole and odd form components into surface-mount and mixed technology printed circuit boards.
Career Center | , | 2013-03-07 05:50:27.0
Looking for Leader ship Opprtunity in Electronics Manufacturing Plant in India
| https://ipcapexexpo.org/exhibitors/event-rules-regulations
not carry identification or other copy that would detract from the adjoining exhibit. All unfinished sides are to be covered at exhibitor’s expense so as to not appear unsightly. The exhibit shall not obstruct the view of adjoining exhibits nor be