Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 14:58:05 EDT 2022 | proceng1
We are at the mercy of our Customers. Some give us ODB+ files, some just gerbers, and some we still get 'D' Gerbers from.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 13:25:24 EST 2005 | ghenning
Can someone convert a cpf to GenCAD for me? Thanks in advance. George
Industry News | 2003-06-20 08:54:22.0
Service Pack 1 for P-CAD 2002 released today
Industry News | 2007-10-04 23:11:30.0
LOS ALAMITOS, CA - September 25, 2007 - Practical Components, a leading international distributor of mechanical IC samples or �dummy� components and SMD production tools and equipment, announces that it will display its latest technology in booth 510 at the upcoming SMTA International exhibition and conference, scheduled to take place October 7-11, 2007, in Orlando, FL.
http://www.numericalinnovations.com/pages/ace-translator-3000-download-demo Download the new Update of ACE Translator 3000. Demonstrate how to convert a DXF file made of lines and arcs, into a filled Gerber file.
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/odb--future-v-gerber-or-something-else_topic579_post1875.html
. I output an archive of gerber/excellon/gencad/IPC-356 netlist/centroid data as well as an ODB++, double-check each output in a viewer, and let my end customers choose what they want to use
| https://unisoft-cim.com/importers.php
.TGZ, .ZIP or .TAR . If compressed then to import the ODB++ file into the Unisoft software first make sure the single .TGZ, .ZIP or .TAR file that the ODB++ files are in is unzipped. Then when uncompressed you should see subdirectories with the names