Benchtop semi-automatic Dual independent squeegees Available Universal Magnetic Tooling 4 Point frame compensation system Retractable squeegee head assembly Specifications: Opti-Print 1616PD
Stand alone Semi-Automatic Stencil Printers with optional Accu-Lign Series Vision Alignment featuring " Train on Paste " capability to make set up a snap. Also available Programmable Squeegees and Under Stencil Wiper Module. 4 Available Vision L
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 08:08:19 EDT 2007 | chrisatae
We're looking for a high mix low volume paste printer. What are the Pro's and con's of the Opti Print 2020? I looked at the spec sheet and it looks like it will do what we need but usually there are issues during setup and operation. Any info would
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Specifications: Opti-Print 256P3 Machine Repeatability: â± .00025" Universal Magnetic 1st and 2nd Side Tooling: Included Maximum Printing Area: 16" x 16" Maximum Frame Size (OD): 23" x 23" Maximum Off-Contact: 1" Maximum Cycle Speed: 10-12 seconds Pr
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Specifications: Opti-Print 256P3 Machine Repeatability: â± .00025" Universal Magnetic 1st and 2nd Side Tooling: Included Maximum Printing Area: 16" x 16" Maximum Frame Size (OD): 23" x 23" Maximum Off-Contact: 1" Maximum Cycle Speed: 10-12 seconds Pr
Industry News | 2001-10-04 09:54:13.0
Surface Mount Techniques has announced that all of the company's higher-end semi-automated and fully automatic screen and stencil printing machines using Windows graphical user interface for control are now equipped, as standard, with the Windows NT Operating System.
GPD Global |
dispensers, map the work area to opti- mize precision control and application using the GPD Global Precision Contour Mapping Calibration Kit. X X Conveyor speed If a conveyor is present, inspect for proper conveyor speed and adjust as necessary. Refer to